Sunday, March 4, 2012

12-03-03 Occupy ALEK, Deaths in GITMO // 占据阿列克,死亡在关塔那摩 // Ocupar ALEK, las muertes en Guantánamo

A Tale of Two Protests: Shut Down the Corporations in Portland and Tucson

Alissa Bohling and Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "Protesters in Portland, Oregon, and Tucson, Arizona, faced very different weather when they hit the streets yesterday, but they had one thing in common: they were among 70 cities nationwide where Occupy activists and others spoke out against members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), whose decades-long history of authoring and pushing pro-corporate legislation through the nation's statehouses has been criticized for strangling political and economic participation across the country." 
Read the Article:
Recently Released Autopsy Reports Heighten Guantanamo "Suicides" Mystery

Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout: "Autopsy reports released last year by the Department of Defense raise stark questions about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of two prisoners at Guantanamo. Both deaths - of Abdul Rahman Al Amri in May 2007 and Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh Al Hanashi in June 2009 - were labeled suicides by Department of Defense (DoD) investigators." 
Read the Article:

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