2016-08-16 Roman Zadorov affair: A court, which refuses to provide duly signed and certified decisions, is certified corrupt!
A series of requests and inquiries have been filed today in the Supreme Court, as part of the ongoing efforts to extract from the Supreme Court duly made, authentic court records in the court files, pertaining to Roman Zadorov. As far as past experience is an indicator - success changes are slim... The Supreme Court, like the Nazareth District Court, persistently refuse to provide any duly signed and certified decision records. Instead, the courts published invalid electronic records. Complaint, which was filed with the UN Human Rights Council - Arbitrary Detention Working Group presents the evidence that Roman Zadorov is held by the Israeli authorities with no duly made Verdict, with no duly made Sentencing, and with no duly made Arrest Decree. The Nazareth District Court engaged for years in the conduct of sham/simulated murder trial. And now - both the Nazareth District Court and the Supreme Court are engaged in withholding the evidence... The Israeli courts have reached unprecedented level of corruption. In parallel, they try to suppress any reporting of the same.

OccupyTLV, August 16 - a series of requests and inquiries have been filed today in the Supreme Court, part of the ongoing efforts to extract from the Supreme Court duly made decision records, pertaining to Roman Zadorov: [1-5]
a. State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court - six (6) protocol records, which were published as unsigned, uncertified electronic records by Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman, and Haim Galpaz, were filed with the Supreme Court Chief Clerk (where the Nazareth paper court file is now held). The Chief Clerk was asked to provide copies of the protocol records, which are signed by the respective judges and duly certified by the Chief Clerk, "True Copy of the Original".
A previous attempt to inspect the Nazareth District Court's paper court file, which is held by the Supreme Court, in order to verify that signed, original records at all exist, was prevented by Supreme Court Magistrate Gilad Lubinsky under the incredible reasoning of a "jumble" in the court file. That, when the Regulations of the Courts -Inspection of Court Files say: "Every person is permitted to inspect court decisions, which are not lawfully prohibited for publication". And the Supreme Court made numerous times lofty declarations in this regard, e.g., the right to inspect court record is "a fundamental principle of any democratic regime... constitutional, supra-statutory..."
b. Roman Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10) in the Supreme Court - request was filed with the Supreme Court for a duly signed and certified, "True Copy of the Original", copy of Magistrate Gilad Lubinsky's decision, which denied access to inspect of the original paper court records in the Nazareth District Court paper court file - State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) - under the incredible reasoning of a "jumble" in the paper court file.
c. Zernik v Zadorov and State of Israel (4650/16) in the Supreme Court - an appeal that originated in Magistrate Lubinsky's decision to deny access to inspect the Nazareth paper court file under the incredible reasoning of a "jumble". The request pertained to duly signed an certified copy of Justice Salim Joubran's decisions: 1. Decision denying Justice Joubran's disqualification for a cause, and 2. Judgment denying the appeal itself.
Previous attempts to obtain duly signed and certified copies of decisions, pertaining to Roman Zadorov from the Nazareth District all failed. The request, which were filed as motions under State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07), or with Chief Clerk of the Nazareth District Court were ignored, and no response at all was received.
The Supreme Court, on the other hand, has provided in the cases, pertaining to Roman Zadorov (and previously in cases, pertaining to whistle-blower Rafi Rotem), a series of records, which should be deemed perversion and/or forgery. Therefore, with the requests and inquiries today, a series of examples of such perverted records was presented, and the Supreme Court was asked to avoid repeating the same.
Also submitted with the requests and inquiries was a copy of a "Work Instruction" by the Administration of Courts, describing the manner of addressing requests for certification of court records.
The requests and inquiries also explicitly stated that the records were intended for filing outside the state of Israel, and therefore, should comply with the Hague Apostille Convention (1961), of which the State of Israel is a party, and the Israeli Regulations for Executing the Hague Apostille Convention (1977). Therefore, the requests and inquiries asked for records that bear signatures of the respective judges and are duly certified "True Copy of the Original" under the signature of the Chief Clerk of the Court or the Magistrate of the Court, as provided by law.
Following are the examples of perverted and/or forged Supreme Court records, which were filed as examples, which the Supreme Court was asked to avoid:
Perverted, invalid certification, received by letter post-stamped May
27, 2014, from the Supreme Court, in response on Tax-Authority
whistle-blower Rafi Rotem first letter to Presiding Justice Asher
Grunis, asking for a duly signed and certified copy of the March 3,
2008 Judgment record in his Petition Rotem
v Samet et al
(1233/08). The record is unsigned by the judicial authorities. The
certification employs perverted, meaningless certification language
(“Copying is True to the Original”, instead of “True Copy of
the Original”, as prescribed by law.), and is signed with an
illegible scribble by a person, whose name and authority fail to
appear on the record. Supreme Court Presiding Justice refused to
explain why the Supreme Court provides only perverted, invalid
certifications, but no true, valid certification of the March 3, 2008
Judgment record.
Perverted, invalid certification, received by letter post-stamped May
29, 2014, from the Supreme Court, in response on Tax-Authority
whistle-blower Rafi Rotem second letter to Presiding Justice Asher
Grunis, asking for a duly signed and certified copy of the March 3,
2008 Judgment record in his Petition Rotem
v Samet et al
(1233/08). The certification employs perverted, meaningless
certification language (“Copying is True to the Original”,
instead of “True Copy of the Original”, as prescribed by law”),
and is signed by Ms Nava Khalaf. The stamp, which states her
position, “Senior Coordinator, Civil Division”, was hand-altered
to read “Senior Coordinator, High Court of Justice Division”.
Response on Freedom
of Information Act
request documented that Ms Nava Khalaf holds no lawful appointment
for either position, and a “Senior Coordinator” is not lawfully
authorized to certify Supreme Court decision records. Supreme Court
Presiding Justice refused to explain why the Supreme Court provides
only perverted, invalid certifications, but no true, valid
certification of the March 3, 2008 Judgment record.
3. Perverted,
invalid certification, received in response on the first
request for certification of Supreme Court's April 27, 2015 decision
record in Zadorov v State
of Israel (7939/10).
The record is not signed by the judicial authorities, the language of
the certification is meaningless, and not the one prescribed by law
(“Copying is True to the Original”, instead of “True Copy of
the Original”), and the signature on the certification is by Mr
Danny Levy, “Senior Coordinator”, who is not authorized by law to
sign such certification.
4. Perverted,
invalid certification, received in response on the first
request for certification of Supreme Court's April 27, 2015 decision
record in Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10).
The language of the certification is meaningless, and not the one
prescribed by law (“Copying is True to the Original”, instead of
“True Copy of the Original”), and the signature on the
certification is by Mr Danny Levy, “Senior Coordinator”, who is
not authorized by law to sign such certification.
invalid certification, received on
the June
26, 2016 Justice Salim Joubran decision,
denying disqualification for a cause in
Zernik v Zadorov and State of Israel (4650/16):
The stamp is of “Chief Clerk”, but the name of the “Chief
Clerk” fails to appear in the stamp. Moreover, the hand-signature
is not of the “Chief Clerk”, but of another person, on behalf of
a “Chief Clerk”, who remains nameless. Furthermore, the
hand-signature is by a person, who is not lawfully authorized to
certify court records. Finally, the record is not signed by the
judicial authority – Justice
Salim Joubran.
. ______
The practice of producing perverted court records and refusal to produce authentic, valid court records is well-known worldwide for generations as typical of corrupt courts. The practice is associated with the conduct of sham/simulated court process. In Israel, on the other hand, media refer to such records - "fabricated" court records, the judges refer to them as "drafts", and refuse to consider their production criminal conduct at all. The phenomenon was best documented in the Judge Varda Alshech "fabricated protocols" scandal (2011-2013).
The requests and inquiries also explicitly explained that the records were required for filing an appendix to the complaint, which was filed with the UN Human Rights Council - Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, pertaining to Roman Zadorov. That complaint concluded: [6]
Roman Zadorov is arbitrarily detained by the Israeli Prison Service - with no lawfully made Arrest Decree.
Roman Zadorov's trial by the Nazareth District Court should be deemed sham/simulated process -- deprivation of Due Process and Fair and Public Hearing -- which ended with neither lawful Verdict nor Sentencing record.
Roman Zadorov's appeal in the Israeli Supreme Court should be deemed lacking in authority and validity from start to end -- originating with no valid judgment records of the lower court, conducted with no valid records of the hearings, and where all decisions records are of dubious validity.
Roman Zadorov's detention by the Israeli authorities allegedly violates articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, originates in Discrimination based on Nationality, Language, and/or Religion, and in inadvertent political reasons.
Roman Zadorov's case reflects widespread incompetence and/or corruption of the Israeli justice system, including its highest echelons, to a level that would be recognized in criminology as "Organized State Crime".
Later, a criminal complaint was also filed with the Attorney General against former Judge Yitzhak Cohen, and Judges Esther Hellman and Avraham Abraham, all of the Nazareth District Court. The criminal complaint claims that the judges perpetrated fraud on the bench, perverted court records, perverted court process, and breached loyalty through the conduct of sham/simulated trial in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07). [7]
The criminal complaint also states that there are clear, material conflicts of interests, pertaining to the Israel Police, the State Prosecution, the Attorney General, and the courts. Accordingly, it remains unclear, who could investigate such complaint, and who could adjudicate it, if prosecution follows. Therefore, the criminal complaint described the Roman Zadorov affair "a constitutional crisis in a nation with no constitution".
The case of Christian, Ukrainian Roman Zadorov is a mirror image of the case of the Jewish Mendel Beilis in the Ukrain a century ago.
The Israeli courts have reached unprecedented level of corruption. In parallel, they try to suppress any reporting of the same. [8-9]
[1] 2016-08-16 Roman Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10) in the Supreme Court - repeat Notice of Inspection, pertaining to State Prosecution responses on Requests to Inspect the court file.
[2] 2016-08-16 Zernik v Zadorov and State of Israel (4650/16) in the Supreme Court - request for duly signed and certified copies of Justice Salim Joubran's decision and judgment.
[3] 2016-08-16 Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10) in the Supreme Court - request for a duly signed and certified copy of Magisrate Gilad Lubinsky's decision, which denied access to inspect the original decision records in the paper court file - State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) - under the reasoning of a "jumble" in the court file.
[4] 2016-08-16 Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10) and Zernik v Zadorov and State of Israel (4650/16) in the Supreme Court - inquiry addressed to the Chief Clerk, asking for duly signed and certified copies of Supreme Court decision records.
[5] 2016-08-16 State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court - inquiry addressed to the Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court (now holding the Nazareth paper court file) for duly signed and certified copies of six (6) protocols from the paper court file.
[6] 2016-07-11 In RE: Roman Zadorov - Ukrainian citizen detained in
Israel - complaint and request for investigation by the UN HRC Working
Group on Arbitrary Detention
2016-07-14 Supplemental letter - Ms Olga Grishaev joins the complaint
Criminal Complaint, filed with the Israeli Attorney General against former Judge Yitzhak Cohen, Judge Esther Hellman and Judge Avraham Avraham from the Nazareth District Court, in re: conduct of sham/simulated court process in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07)
[8] 2016-06-20 US DHS assists in suppression of anti-corruption dissent in Israel
[9] 2016-08-03 Twitter Warns It May Censor Tweet at Behest of Israeli Attorney General
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