This Saturday Night, January 28, 19:00, at Attorney General Mandelblit's
We meet 19:00 at Cafe' Roladin, HaAtzmaut 65. Petah-Tikvah
(Notice the correction - not Jabotinsky)
Police action is likely already in the Cafe' - that's what happened last week... Intimidation, threats of mass detention, possible police violence... Police has engaged for weeks in arbitrary, capricious, violent conduct in order to stop people from exercising the right to protest against corrupt Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit...

So what do we do when Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit tries to shut us up?
We fill up the jail!
1. Facebook event page (Hebrew): כמו כל מוצ"ש - אצל היועמ"ש בפתח-תקווה
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit is engaged in misprision of felonies in all branches of government - starting with PM Netanyahu and his wife, Sara Netanyahu, through members of Knesset, and ending with judges, senior prosecutors and police officers.
Does anybody still remembers that Menashe Arbiv - "Head of the Israeli FBI" - was caught taking bribes, but has never been prosecuted?
At present, when AG Mandelblit's conduct generates public protest, and justly so, AG Mandelblit tries to employ the police to deny fundamental Civil Rights...
Already last summer, former Justice Minister, Prof Daniel Friedman testified in the Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee: "It is impossible that the Attorney General would say: The State is Me. He cannot determine the law of the State. He cannot shut the mouths of the entire State, not let anybody express their opinion...."
2. 2017-01-22 Police commander Barak Mordechai is asked to explain actions against protesters against Attorney General Avichai MandelblitOur response: Non-violent Civil Disobedience! Martin Luther King answered clearly on a similar situation in the US in the 1960's: Let's fill up the jails!
Conduct of the Petah-Tikvah police regarding protesters against Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit generated substantial public interest, since it was of unusual nature, and it had serious implications regarding fundamental civil rights in Israel. Moreover, the matter is of unique significance, since already earlier former Justice Minister, Professor Daniel Friedman testified in the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, “It is impossible that the Attorney General would say, the State is me. He cannot make up the law, he cannot shut the mouths of the entire State, not permit anybody to say his opinion...”

Figures: Police commander Barak Mordechai - commander of the Israel Police Petah-Tikvah police station.
Already last summer, former Justice Minister, Prof Daniel Friedman testified in the Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee: "It is impossible that the Attorney General would say: The State is Me. He cannot determine the law of the State. He cannot shut the mouths of the entire State, not let anybody express their opinion...." Civil Rights and the nature of the regime are not guaranteed by anything or anybody - except the determination of the people!
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